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The Importance of Loyalty

“Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you.” Chip Bell, Founder Chip Bell Group


Those 21 words are exactly why customer service is so important these days, and why companies have to provide good service to be competitive in today’s consumer markets.


The first thing consumers do when looking to buy a new product, try a new restaurant, or go do just about anything is check out other people’s testimonials and reviews.   These reviews can come from friends and family or from complete strangers online.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you had these people working for you?  Well if you have built up a good customer base and have loyal customers that come back to you time and time again, they could be.


Yes, loyal customers will use your service repeatedly, but they’re so much more important than that.  Loyal customers will defend you when you are not there to defend yourself, which could be in their social circle or on an Internet review board.  Loyal customers will recommend you to their acquaintances when asked.  But most importantly loyal customers will insist that their close social circle uses your business as apposed to others.  Constantly telling their friends and family why you are the best and why they should use your product or service over your competitors.


In other words, if you want an army of sales people that you don’t have to pay.  It starts on the front lines by providing that good, solid customer service in the beginning.  Get that base of loyal customers and you’re on your way.  Keep up the great service and watch your free sales team grow daily and then your sales numbers follow.


Until next time, what are some of the customer loyalty programs that companies offer that you like or don’t like?  Please comment with your customer loyalty stories, programs, and experiences.



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